COVID Caught Us

Dodged it for over two years and then it snuck up on us.  All along I had been quite afraid of us getting it simply because the thought of Jacob being hospitalized was an awful fear.

We were happily living life and not aware of any of our close contacts having covid lately.  Falsely believing it was history, masks were put away, and sanitizing wasn’t the first thought after being in public. 

After a few days of all-day headaches, a nagging cough, and a scratchy throat, I decided to visit my doctor.  When the check-in nurse asked if I wanted to have a covid test, I answered, “sure, I’ve already had at least 4, might as well check” 

Mind you, we had a supply of covid tests at home.  It never crossed my mind to check.  Felt like I either had strep or a sinus infection.  Imagine my surprise when I got a text notification of the results:

I texted my man in shock that I had tested positive!  And immediately started worrying about Jacob.  His care requires direct close contact.  My doctor instructed me to go home and quarantine.  

The sore throat was my main complaint making me crave smoothies and ice cream. 

Two days later my man tested positive.  At that point, we felt like it would be miraculous if Jacob avoided it.  In our case,  Jacob’s swab proved he also had it so all three of us were taking it easy with differing but minimal symptoms. 

Thank the Lord, we managed very well with only mild fatigue and a lingering cough sticking around for a short while.  We had everything we needed!

Jacob was really good and easy those days.  Mainly enjoying mail, magazines, and chilling out in his room listening to music and watching tv. 

Within days of my positive test, many of our friends, some family, and acquaintances also got the latest variant.  We were part of an uptick and hope it was enough to keep us well for a while!

It did take a few things from us: 1) We had bought tickets to see a Christian Comedian in our area and didn’t get to go. 2) Much to my dismay and my husband’s joy, we didn’t get to participate in our annual neighborhood garage sale. 3) We missed a graduation celebration that was a really big deal. 4) And, a granddaughter’s flute recital. Bummed out but not beat down.

We have so much to be thankful for personally knowing too many who had a tough case.  And pray for the families of those we knew who weren’t spared, exchanging covid for their heavenly reward. 

No matter what surprises are thrown your way, it helps to slow down and take time to find the positives in your situation.  The convenience of ordering groceries online comes in super handy during quarantine!  A friend dropped off a meal that lasted for days.  Highlights were a Chicken and Rice Casserole and a Coconut Cake that both hit the spot.  Taking it easy at home meant more naps and reading time.  

And puzzles! I had quite the collection and figured there was no time like the present to exercise my brain.

Jacob loves the door puzzle. He watched it come together and studied it closely upon completion. I plan to try to hang it in his room for continued enjoyment. (Side note – Jacob loves that t-shirt and pulls it out to wear often – in case you noticed.)

Sometimes being forced to change plans and stay home can be a blessing.  

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 5:38

God is good.  God is good all the time.  All the time God is good.

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